[ad_1] Crude oil markets have seen a lot of volatility, but it does look like we are […]
[ad_1] I do have more of an upward bias, but I also recognize that things can change […]
[ad_1] I would be very cautious about jumping “all in” right away. The West Texas Intermediate Crude […]
[ad_1] If the world is heading into a global recession, it is hard to believe that crude oil will […]
[ad_1] I am waiting to see what happens with this trend line before I start shorting, or […]
[ad_1] Buying on the dips still continues to offer a bit of value that people will be […]
[ad_1] I anticipate that the month of April is going to be a chaotic mess, just as […]
[ad_1] Anticipate a lot of noise, but that noise should almost always push you more towards the […]