Treynor Ratio What Is It, Formula, Calculations, Vs Sharpe Ratio

Since stock returns can be erratic, this is not a very accurate measure. While comparing two investments, investors can calculate the Treynor ratio of each to evaluate which one offers more returns for every unit of risk. If the investments yield similar returns, a higher Treynor ratio is better. The ratio is not a useful indicator when the Treynor value is negative. It’s particularly useful for comparing the performance of different mutual funds or managed portfolios where the focus is on how well managers compensate for market-related risks.

  • Beta denotes the degree of change in returns a fund exhibits in response to market volatility.
  • A higher Treynor Ratio is preferable, indicating better risk-adjusted performance.
  • It is also referred to as the risk-adjusted return or the Treynor index.
  • A security’s or portfolio’s beta is a measurement of the volatility of returns relative to the overall market.
  • It measures the excess returns a financial asset or a group of securities earns for every extra unit of risk assumed by the portfolio.
  • Designed by economist Jack Treynor, who also created the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the ratio is used by investors to make informed decisions regarding asset allocation and portfolio diversification.

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Treynor Ratio portfolio performance doesn’t take future risks into account and there is no guarantee that the past performance will be repeated. Market dynamics will impact the vulnerability of the portfolio based on the volatility of constituent securities. While Treynor Ratio analyses and identifies investments that perform well among a group, it is effective only when it is paxful review a part of a broad portfolio. When the portfolios being compared have similar systematic risks but also a total variable risk, Treynor Ratio doesn’t offer the right picture. In the case of multiple assets, portfolio return, the average beta of the portfolio and risk-free rate are required for the calculation.

When calculating this ratio using monthly data, the Treynor Ratio is annualized by multiplying the entire result by the square root of 12. Our goal is to deliver the most understandable and comprehensive explanations of climate and finance topics. Carbon Collective is the first online investment advisor 100% focused on solving climate change. We believe that sustainable investing is not just an important climate solution, but a smart way to invest. This team of experts helps Carbon Collective maintain the highest level of accuracy and professionalism possible.

Time Horizon Diversification

Also, use them in conjunction with other metrics such as the Sharpe Ratio and Jensen’s Alpha. Although Fund A has a higher raw return rate, Fund B has a higher Treynor Ratio. This means that Fund B would provide a higher return for every additional unit of systematic risk that you take on. Understanding and using the Treynor Ratio can help you make informed investment choices. It allows you to weigh and compare the risk of your investments and helps you find the best investments at a certain level of market risk.

  • However, the ratio can be used to compare two separate portfolios in different asset classes, such as a portfolio of stocks and a portfolio of commodities.
  • A low Treynor Ratio could mean that your portfolio has too much exposure to market risk without enough reward.
  • This article has been prepared on the basis of internal data, publicly available information and other sources believed to be reliable.
  • It measures a fund’s systematic risks, unlike the Sharpe ratio, which uses standard deviation to calculate risk-adjusted returns.
  • For example, let’s say that your stock portfolio returned 21% in the past year and had a beta of 2.4, while the S&P 500 Index Fund returned 10% during the same period.
  • The metric got its name from Jack Treynor, who developed it and used it first.
  • This figure forms the basis for calculating excess returns over the risk-free rate, highlighting the additional returns achieved through market exposure and management decisions.

Limitations of the Treynor Ratio

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The numerator, \( R_p – R_f \), captures the portfolio’s excess return over the risk-free rate. The denominator, \( \beta_p \), indicates sensitivity to market movements, providing insight into the level of market risk undertaken. Here, \( R_p \) represents the portfolio return, \( R_f \) is the risk-free return, and \( \beta_p \) is the portfolio’s beta. This formula evaluates how effectively a portfolio manager utilizes market risk to achieve returns above a risk-free benchmark. The Sharpe ratio adjusts portfolio returns using the portfolio’s standard deviation, while the Treynor ratio adjusts portfolio returns for systematic risk. While no investment is truly risk-free, the Treynor ratio typically uses treasury bills to represent a risk-free return.

How is the Treynor Ratio calculated?

The primary reason behind this difference is that while calculating the Treynor ratio, we consider the overall market risks of a fund’s portfolio. This formula essentially calculates the excess return earned per unit of market risk, providing a clear picture of how well the portfolio has performed relative to its market risk exposure. Portfolio return reflects the total returns from a portfolio over a specific period, including capital gains, dividends, and interest income.

This helps investors compare risk-adjusted performance across portfolios and select investments aligned with their risk tolerance. It measures the excess returns a financial asset or a group of securities earns for every extra unit of risk assumed by the portfolio. It is also called the reward-to-volatility ratio since it betrays how much an investor is rewarded for the systematic risk undertaken.

The average calculation involves multiplying the returns with the weighting of stock in account and adding up all the returns. Similarly, for beta, multiply it by weight in the portfolio and add the numbers to yield the average beta of the portfolio. A Treynor Ratio of 0.5 indicates that for every unit of market risk, your portfolio is earning half a unit of excess return over the risk-free rate. By focusing on systematic risk, it provides clear insights into whether a portfolio is delivering adequate returns for the level of market risk it carries. In contrast, the Sharpe Ratio considers total risk (standard deviation), including systematic and unsystematic risk. The Treynor ratio was created by American economist Jack Treynor, who also developed the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) in the 1960s.

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